
Is there a repo where you can download android virtual devices? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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Does anyone know, if vendors provide or if there is a site where one could download AVD profiles for existing android devices on the market so you can run your apps in the emulator and basically see how they will run on said devices?

I know it's pretty easy to create a new device but it'd be great if one could just download the config file for each device and run it.

I just created a repo to store sample AVD images. Basically you can clone this Git repo into your local .android folder, to get these basic emulator images pre-configured.


I plan to add more emulator images, but have a fairly representative set of devices emulated now. Pull requests are welcome.

I found this page which helped a lot.

I found this page which looks quite comprenhensive from Samsung devices: http://developer.samsung.com/android/technical-docs/Using-Samsung-Emulators-for-Android-Application-Development

I agree with Brennan that Google should make the it compulsory for each device.

It seems that they should work for Android Studio as well see How to reuse the existing AVDs for android-studio





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