Find all clauses related to an atom
This is probably a very silly question (I just started learning Prolog a few hours ago), but is it possible to find all the clauses related to an atom? For example, assuming the following knowledge base:
animal(X) :- cat(X).
, is there a way to obtain every possible information about tom (or at least all the facts that are explicitly stated in the base)? I understand that a query like this is not possible:
?- Pred(tom).
so I thought I c开发者_StackOverflowould write a rule that would deduce the correct information:
meta(Object, Predicate) :-
Goal =.. [Predicate, Object],
so that I could write queries such as
?- meta(tom, Predicate).
but this does not work because arguments to call
are not sufficiently instantiated. So basically my question is: is this at all possible, or is Prolog not design to provide this kind of information? And if it is not possible, why?
You can use the ISO predicate "current_predicate/1" to find out what you can call. Here is a sample program:
cat(tom). animal(X) :- cat(X). info(Arg,Info) :- current_predicate(PredName/1), Info =.. [PredName,Arg], call(Info). all_info(Arg,L) :- findall(I,info(Arg,I),L).
You can use the program as follows (I am using SICStus Prolog btw):
| ?- info(tom,X). X = animal(tom) ? ; X = cat(tom) ? ; no | ?- all_info(tom,X). X = [animal(tom),cat(tom)] ? yes
Generally, you can use
current_predicateas follows:
| ?- current_predicate(X). X = info/2 ? ; X = animal/1 ? ; X = cat/1 ? ; X = all_info/2 ? ; no