
VirtualHost configuration

I need to configure two name-based virtual hosts in my Ubuntu PC. If I type the address http://mypage1 in browser, it should display my first customized html page and if I type the address http://mypage2, it should display my second customized html page. I tried out the following:

  1. installed apache
  2. created a file mypage1 inside sites-available with the contents as follows:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerName mypage1
     ServerAlias http://mypage1
     DocumentRoot /var/www/mypage1/html
  3. created a similar file mypage2 inside开发者_JS百科 sites-available

  4. ran the commands a2ensite mypage1 and a2ensite mypage2 to generate soft links inside sites-enabled.
  5. restarted apache using sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

After doing the above steps, when I type mypage1 in firefox, I get dns_unresolved_hostname error.

Kindly help me how to resolve this problem.

DNS unresolved means exactly what it said! It could not find the DNS entries for 'servers' called mypage1 or mypage2.

Add them to you /etc/hosts file like mypage1 mypage2

If you are successful then you will probably get a different error, then you can start looking into virtual hosts configuration

For one thing, you should set a NameVirtualHost for whatever IP(s) you intend to serve the files from. (If you don't, Apache will usually ignore the server name and just use whatever site is defined/included first.)

Also, make sure "mypage1" and "mypage2" are actual, valid domain names, or put them in /etc/hosts. Apache's knowing about them doesn't automatically make them known anywhere outside Apache -- especially to your machine's DNS resolver.





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