
Currency Format in C# to shorten the output string

Hey, I currently have a Currency Format method:

private string FormatCurrency(double moneyIn)
    CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

    return moneyIn.ToString("c", ci);

I'm looking to ada开发者_JAVA技巧pt this to shorten the string as the currency get's larger. Kind of like how stack overflow goes from 999 to 1k instead of 1000 (or 1.6k instead of 1555).

I imagine that this is a relativly easy task however is there any built in function for it or would you just have to manually manipulate the string?


I would use the following to accomplish what you require, I don't think there is anything builtin to do this directly!

return (moneyIn > 999) ? (moneyIn/(double)1000).ToString("c", ci) + "k" : moneyIn.ToString("c", ci);

You may also want to round the result of moneyIn/1000 to 1 decmial place.


There is nothing built in to the framework. You will have to implement your own logic for this.

This question comes up fairly often - see the answers to this question (Format Number like StackoverFlow (rounded to thousands with K suffix)).

// Taken from the linked question. Thanks to SLaks
static string FormatNumber(int num) {
  if (num >= 100000)
    return FormatNumber(num / 1000) + "K";
  if (num >= 10000) {
    return (num / 1000D).ToString("0.#") + "K";
  return num.ToString("#,0");

You will have to write your own function to do this. It isn't built into the default string formatting stuff in .NET.





验证码 换一张
取 消

