
What tools do you use when developing html? [closed]

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What applications/开发者_如何学JAVAservices do you guys used when building websites/web applications with web technologies? Windows? Mac?

  • Linux Ubuntu Desktop Jaunty
  • Firebug
  • FireCookie
  • Pixel Perfect
  • Web developer
  • Zend Studio
  • Subversion
  • VirtualBox for testing with IE
  • W3C Validator
  • Webstandards.org for getting (x)html templates


  • Firefox: Firebug
    • Firequery (for better jQuery debugging)
    • Webdevlopper
    • Pixel Perfect
    • Tiny HTML Validator
  • Chrome:
    • The DEV tools for measuring my loading times.


  • Coda (Panic/macos)

I use dreamweaver as a sort of combination text editor with tag highlighting ability and integrated ftp. I just like the way it feels, I know its overkill and don't need/use the majority of its features. When just throwing a single page together or quick editing, I use a text editor like notepad++ or gedit and filezilla. I like the post with the firebug suggestion though, I might break out of my comfort environment and try the "everything from a browser" approach :D

SO: Linux

Editors: Gedit (with a couple of plugins) or vim (if editing something remotely)

Browser: Firefox (with Webdeveloper and Firebug)

eclipse with pdt or notepadd++ on windows gedit on Linux

all kept in subversion or git repository. the deployment is handled by a phing build script. that optimizes and deploys the site.

I use Visual Studio since our back-end development is based on .NET platform.

VS offers syntax highlighting and also intellisense for both XHTML and CSS which is super handy.

Apart from that:

  • Firefox with Firebug and Dev Toolbar
  • IE8 with Dev Toolbar
  • IETester to quckly test stuff on IE6,7
  • Virtual Machine to run CLEAN versions of IE6 and IE7 for hardcore debugging (say what you want, no tool will ever render website 1:1 the way original, virgin browser does)
  • Opera, Safar, Chrome
  • Notepad++ if my too lazy to wait for VS to load

ASP.net and Adobe Flex Builder for Client Development. Flash and Microsoft Expressions 2 for Images, Animations, Labels etc ... C#,Java Script, Action Script is used for Client and Server side scripting. JAVA is used for middle ware/Web Services. Fiddler for script debugging and HTTP traffic checking. SoapUI for web services Testing.

We targeted Firefox and IE for Browsing. Windows XP is widely Used OS.

I usually use some combination of TextMate and Chrome's developer tools for my personal projects, or Eclipse if it's a Java app.

Though generally there's relatively little HTML coding being done, it's generally a lot of Python/Django or Java/GWT and just enough HTML to glue it together.





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