How to refer to a text in an Ms Access table?
I want to refer to a data cell, which if it is equals to some string, it will do something. The codes:
If ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)("Status") =开发者_JAVA技巧 "Reserved" Then
MessageBox.Show("Can't reserve")
End If
Is this the correct way to do this? Because I failed doing so..
Check the return type of:
Is the case different (uppercase in db ??)
Check for leading/trailing spaces.
Is the field in database fixed-length
U might want to try trim-ing the string before comparing:
For Ex, in VB6 i might hav tried:
IF lower(trim$(<thedbqueryhere>))= "reserved" then
msgBox("Can't reserve")
End if
CVS @ 2600Hertz
You probably need to be checking the Value property of the cell.
Also here is the VB6 code by CVS @ 2600Hertz translated to VB.NET
Dim cell = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)("Status")
If cell.Value.ToUpperInvariant().Trim() = "Reserved".ToUpperInvariant() Then
MessageBox.Show("Can't Reserve")
End If