Why file upload error codes in php miss number '5'?
I am writing a custom error handling / reporting function for PHP file upload and I noticed that the error codes returned are numbered from 0 to 8 except 5.
Is this a typo in the source I am using or is it really this way? If it is so, I am curious why they have skipped number '5'.
In response to Pekka
, here are the error codes from PHP manual.
0 | UPLOAD_ERR_OK | There is no error, the file uploaded with success. 1 | UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE | Size exceeds upload_max_filesize in php.ini. 2 | UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE | Size exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE specified in HTML form. 3 | UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL | The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. 4 | UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE | No file was uploaded.5|UPLOAD_ERROR_E| As explained by @Progman, removed in rev. 81792 6 | UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR | Missing a temporary folder. 7 | 开发者_开发技巧UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE | Failed to write file to disk. 8 | UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION | File upload stopped by extension.
It doesn't matter as you use the UPLOAD_ERR_*
constants anyway. But I guess the field 5 was an error which is now handled by a different error case.
The case "5" was an error for empty uploaded files. However this isn't an error so the field/constant got removed. See changeset 81792 on main/rfc1867.c and changeset 88408 on main/rfc1867.c