
How to define a predicate as a function argument

I want to be able to write something as

void Start(some condition that might evaluate to either true or false) {
    //function will only really start if the predicate evaluates to true

I'd guess it must be something of the form:

void Start(Predicate predicate) {

How can I check inside my Start function whenever the predicate evaluated to true or false? Is my use of a predicate correct?



Here's a trivial example of using a predicate in a function.

static void CheckRandomValueAgainstCriteria(Predicate<int> predicate, int maxValue)
    Random random = new Random();
    int value = random.Next(0, maxValue);


    if (predicate(value))
        Console.WriteLine("The random value met your criteria.");
        Console.WriteLine("The random value did not meet your criteria.");


CheckRandomValueAgainstCriteria(i => i < 20, 40);

You could do something like this:

void Start(Predicate<int> predicate, int value)
        if (predicate(value))
            //do Something

Where you call the method like this:

Start(x => x == 5, 5);

I don't know how useful that will be. Predicates are really handy for things like filtering lists:

List<int> l = new List<int>() { 1, 5, 10, 20 };
var l2 = l.FindAll(x => x > 5);

From a design perspective, the purpose of a predicate being passed into a function is usually to filter some IEnumerable, the predicate being tested against each element to determine whether the item is a member of the filtered set.

You're better off simply having a function with a boolean return type in your example.





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