Adding code to plugin that only executes the first time its activated?
Is it possible to wrap code in a special function that only executes the first time the plugin is activated?
I have some 开发者_StackOverflow中文版database code I need to run on plugin activation, but the code need not run again after that.
Yes, this is possible. You can register a plugin activation hook that only gets run when the plugin gets activated. I dredged up an old plugin I wrote for some example code:
class MyPlugin
//constructor for MyPlugin object
function MyPlugin() {
register_activation_hook(__FILE__,array(&$this, 'activate'));
function activate()
//initialize some stored plugin stuff
if (get_option('myplugin_data_1') == '') {
The function register_activation_hook (introduced in WordPress 2.0) registers a plugin function to be run when the plugin is activated.
remember also once your plugin is being deactivated by yourself/user you can remove any tables options that you have stored in the wp database, I wrote a little post about this recently talking about the wp register_deactivation_hook() function..
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, ‘pluginUninstall’ );
function pluginUninstall() {
global $wpdb;
$thetable = $wpdb->prefix."your_table_name";
//Delete any options that's stored also?
$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $thetable");