
Where can I download compiled builds of MonoMac?

Miguel de Icaza announced a new project today called MonoMac, to develop apps for the Mac using Mono and C#: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2010/Apr-19.html

In the post, he provides links to the subversion repositories, but are there any builds of it available for download?开发者_运维百科

There is no binary distribution yet. But you can build your own very quickly:

  • Download the Mono 2.6.4 Preview package
  • Checkout the maccore module svn co http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/maccore
  • Checkout the monomac module svn co http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/monomac
  • Go to the monomac folder, and type make
  • Et voilà !!!

The sample application (found under monomac/samples/Hello) can be launched like a standard application.

I wrote a blog post about this the other day on how to use MonoMac with the latest version of MonoDevelop 2.4, building on the great work by Michael Hutchinson. Michael's post has a link to a version of MonoDevelop 2.4 beta he has slipped the MonoMac addin into. I've pulled the addin out of his beta version and tell you how to put it into the RTM version of MonoDevelop 2.4.

Due to the stackoverflow spam prevention, I'm only able to enter one link, otherwise I would link to Michael Hutchinson's blog post.





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