
How to prefix a positive number with plus sign in PHP

I need to design a function to return negative numbers unchanged but should add a + sign at the start of the number if its already no present.


Input     Output
+1         +1
1          +1
-1         -1

It will get only numeric i开发者_StackOverflow社区nput.

function formatNum($num)
# something here..perhaps a regex?

This function is going to be called several times in echo/print so the quicker the better.

You can use regex as:

function formatNum($num){
    return preg_replace('/^(\d+)$/',"+$1",$num);

But I would suggest not using regex for such a trivial thing. Its better to make use of sprintf here as:

function formatNum($num){
    return sprintf("%+d",$num);

From PHP Manual for sprintf:

An optional sign specifier that forces a sign (- or +) to be used on a number. By default, only the - sign is used on a number if it's negative. This specifier forces positive numbers to have the + sign attached as well, and was added in PHP 4.3.0.

function formatNum($num) {
   return ((float) $num>0)?'+'.$num:$num;

function formatNum($num) {
  $num = (int) $num; // or (float) if you'd rather
  return (($num >= 0) ? '+' : '') . $num; // implicit cast back to string

The simple solution is to make use of format specifier in printf() function.

For example,

echo '<br>';

gives the output


In your case

 function formatNum($num){
    return printf("%+d",$num);

The sprintf solution provided by @unicornaddict is very nice and probably the most elegant way to go. Just thought I'd provide an alternative anyway. Not sure how they measure up in speed.

// Non float safe version
function formatNum($num) {
    return (abs($num) == $num ? '+' : '') . intval($num);

// Float safe version
function formatNum($num) {
        (abs($num) == $num ? '+' : '') 
        . (intval($num) == $num ? intval($num) : floatval($num));

// Float safe version, alternative
function formatNum($num) {
        (abs($num) == $num ? '+' : '') 
        // Add '1' to $num to implicitly cast it to a number
        . (is_float($num + 1) ? floatval($num) : intval($num));

Try this:

$fmt = new NumberFormatter('es_ES', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
$fmt->setTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_PREFIX, '+');
$result = $fmt->format(10000);

Result will be: +10.000

Exactly works NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_SUFFIX, you will receive 10.000+





验证码 换一张
取 消

