Delphi: EReadError with message ‘Property PageNr does Not Exist’
I get SOMETIMES error message: EReadError with message 'Property PageNr does Not exist', when I try to run my own project. I am really desperate, because I see simply nothing what is the cause. The devilish is that it comes up sometimes but often. It concerns of my own component TPage. Here is declaration>
TPage = class(TCustomControl) //
FPaperHeight, FPaperWidth:Integer;
FPDFDocument: TPDFDocument;
procedure PaintBasicLayout;
procedure PaintInterior;
procedure SetPapersize(Value: TPapersize);
procedure SetPaperHeight(Value: Integer);
procedure SetPaperWidth(Value: Integer);
procedure SetPaperOrientation(value:TPaperOrientation);
procedure SetPaperBrush(Value:TBrush);
procedure SetPageNr(Value:Integer);
procedure CreateParams(var Params:TCreateParams); override;
procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);override;
destructor Destroy;override;
// function GetChildOwner:TComponent; override;
procedure DrawControl(X,Y :integer; Dx,Dy:Double; Ctrl:TControl;NewCanvas:TCanvas);
// procedure GetChildren(Proc:TGetChildProc; Root:TComponent); override;
procedure Loaded; override;
procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure Paint; override;
procedure PrintOnCanvas(X,Y:integer; rX,rY:Double; AC开发者_Go百科anvas:TCanvas);
procedure PrintOnPDFCanvas(X,Y:integer);
procedure PrintOnPrinterCanvas(X,Y:integer);
procedure Resize; override;
procedure SetPrintKind(APrintKind:TPrintKind; APrintGroupindex:Integer);
property PageNr:integer read FPageNr write SetPageNr;
property PaperBrush: TBrush read FPaperBrush write SetPaperBrush;
property PaperHeight: integer read FPaperHeight write SetPaperHeight;
property PaperWidth: integer read FPaperWidth write SetPaperWidth;
property PaperSize: TPaperSize read FPaperSize write SetPaperSize;
property PaperOrientation:TPaperOrientation read FPaperOrientation write SetPaperOrientation;
property PDFDocument:TPDFDocument read FPDFDocument write FPDFDocument;
property TabOrder;
I thoroughly read the similar topic depicted here:
Delphi: EReadError with message 'Property Persistence does Not exist'
But here it is my own source code. No third party. Interesting: when I delete PageNr property in my dfm file (unit1.dfm), then pops up : EReadError with message 'Property PaperHeight does Not exist'. when I delete PaperHeight then it will claim PaperWidth and so on...
Here is piece of dfm file:
object pg1: TPage
Left = 128
Top = 144
Width = 798
Height = 1127
PageNr = 0
PaperHeight = 1123
PaperWidth = 794
PaperSize = psA4
PaperOrientation = poPortrait
TabOrder = 0
object bscshp4: TBasicShape
Left = 112
Top = 64
Width = 105
Height = 105
PrintKind = pkNormal
PrintGroupIndex = 0
Zooming = 100
Transparent = False
Repeating = False
PageRepeatOffset = 1
ShapeStyle = ssVertical
LinePosition = 2
object bscshp5: TBasicShape
Left = 288
Top = 24
Width = 105
Height = 105
PrintKind = pkNormal
PrintGroupIndex = 0
Zooming = 100
Transparent = False
What the hell happens ??????? I have never seen that. I compiled the unit several times... Encoutered no problem. Maybe the cause is beyond this. I feel completely powerless.
What you are experiencing here is a type name clash.
There is a class called TPage in ExtCtrls. If ExtCtrls is listed in the uses clause in the interface section of your unit, Delphi will "assume" that you are referring to the last declared TPage - which will have totally different properties.
If you were to add some code that to interact with a TPage object, class completion would show the methods and properties for ExtCtrls.TPage, rather than your TPage. This is why renaming to TBookPage has solved the problem.
It is can be a good practice to use a short prefix on your own controls to avoid this (e.g. use TLyPage). This is why most 3rd party controls use a similar scheme.
This can be used as quick-and-dirty way to re-implement a control - see Deltics Blog entry for an example.
Check for multiple copies of the .DFM file on your hard disk. This usually happens when the .DFM that's actually being linked into your executable isn't the one you're seeing in the IDE.
Also, are you building with runtime packages? It could also be the case that your application is being built with a different version of a package than the one loaded at runtime, as well. The error loading the .DFM's properties could come from the package looking for something not in the app (or more likely, vice versa - the app's expecting something that doesn't exist in the package when the .DFM is loaded from it).