
What are naming conventions for SQL Server? [closed]

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I need to create database for SQL Server, what kind of naming conventi开发者_JS百科on I should use?

1) Table names could be : customer, Customer, CUSTOMER

2) Field names could be : customer_id, CustomerId, CustomerID, CUSTOMER_ID, customerid, CUSTOMERID and so on...

Is there any official suggestion for naming conventions or what is most common way to name tables and fields?

There are a lot of different and differing standards - pick the one that makes most sense to you and then stick to it - that's the most important part. Have a standard and live up to it!

Things to consider are:

  • naming the tables - singular (Customer) vs. plural (Customers)
  • naming the tables - with or without prefix, and if with: what prefix? (Customer vs. tblCustomer vs. T_Customer vs. something else entirely)
  • naming of columns - any defaults? E.g. ID for the primary key? Or CustomerID?

  • naming of other database objects like views (CustomerView vs. vwCustomers), stored procedures (just be sure to avoid sp_ as your prefix! Reserved by Microsoft), user-defined functions (GetData vs. fnGetData vs. func_GetData)

There's no "official best practice" on this - different standards suggestions have their merits, but you're basically free in choosing what you want to use for your own company / your own doings.

Just google or bing for "sql server naming conventions" and you'll find a gazillion of different standards. Pick the one you're most comfortable with, or come up with your own.





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