simple yet secure encrypt / decrypt asp to
I have a ASP/VB6 web-app that logs in a user. I want开发者_StackOverflow to encrypt the users identity field and pass(querystring) it to a app and then decrypt it to do a db lookup.
I've googled it and found rot13, albeit not secure enough. I've also found some hits on MD5 / RC4, but did not find any good examples of encrypt / decrypt.
Any ideas on how to implement secure encryption/description logic?
I agree with @Brian - don't go doing your own crypto, the crypto is easy until you start doing the key management. Do use SSL/TLS unless you have a very VERY V.E.R.Y. good reason not to do so.
It's generally conceded that you should never decrypt such information, but rather compare encrypted to encrypted.
MD5, for example, can be used in this 'trapdoor' fashion. Encode the information, then store the MD5 hash. When you need to authenticate, encode the new information and compare hashes. The unencrypted information is never exposed or available.
If this doesn't work for your situation, then look into the Windows Crypto API, which offers alternatives that allow full-cycle encrypt / decrypt.
Here is a basic encryption example. You'll want to figure out your own key. I did mine this way to just add one more level of complexity (I hope). As Jim points out you could use this to encrypt a new password, then store the results. After the password is created instead of ever trying to decrypt this value (which is just the reverse), you would encrypt the entered password and compare it against the stored value.
'combine these constants to build the encryption key'
Private Const KEY1 = "abcde"
Private Const KEY2 = "fghij"
Private Const KEY3 = "klmno"
Private Const KEY4 = "pqrst"
Private Const KEY5 = "uvwxy"
Private Function Encrypt(ByVal s As String, ByVal EncryptionType As CAPICOM.CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE) As String
Dim oEN As New CAPICOM.EncryptedData
Dim strSecret As String
Dim intTries As Integer
On Error GoTo errEncrypt
intENCType = CAPICOM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_AES ' try this first and fall back if not supported'
With oEN
.Algorithm = intENCType
strSecret = KEY2 & KEY5 & KEY4 & KEY1 & KEY3
.SetSecret strSecret
strSecret = ""
.Content = s
' the first encryption type needs to be base64 as the .content property'
' can loose information if I try to manipulate a binary string'
.Content = StrReverse(.Encrypt(CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64))
strSecret = KEY1 & KEY4 & KEY3 & KEY2 & KEY5
.SetSecret strSecret
strSecret = ""
Encrypt = .Encrypt(EncryptionType)
End With
Set oEN = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number = -2138568448 Then
' if this is the first time the step the encryption back and try again
If intTries < 1 Then
intTries = intTries + 1
Resume startEncryption
End If
End If
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source & ":Encrypt", Err.Description
strSecret = ""
Set oEN = Nothing
End Function