
Is there a command line C++ to PDF converter with syntax highlighting? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.

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I need to supply "Source code documents w/ Line numbers" which is essentially just a PDF of the source code with syntax highlighting and Line numbers. Is there any existing command line tools for windows that I could call from a script as a "build release version" script?

Right now I'm doing it manually using VC++, which isn't even the dev enviroment the code is for a TI processor, and a PDF printer driver, which has a pop up for each file I print.

Two syntax highlighters I use are enscript and source-highlight.

The first can output to PostScript (that you can convert to PDF using ps2pdf), the second produces output in HTML, LaTeX and other formats.

Both should be available via Cygwin

EDIT: On my system the following command will print all the cpp files in the current subtree.

find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs enscript -Ecpp -fCourier8 

While the following will produce a code.pdf file with the same content

find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs enscript -Ecpp -fCourier8 -o - | ps2pdf - code.pdf

PS: and give the --color=1 for color output and -C for line numbers.

find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs enscript --color=1 -C -Ecpp -fCourier8 -o - | ps2pdf - code.pdf

I use this. It generates .ps. Then you can run ps2pdf.

# Copyright 2004 Rutger E.W. van Beusekom.
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
# accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


a2ps -1 --highlight=normal --pretty-print=cxx --line-numbers=1 -M a4 -L80 -g \
-o $outfile $* --prologue=color --right-title=%p. --left-title \
--left-footer --right-footer --header --medium=a4

You could also use Doxygen with source browsing enabled. There is also htmlize.el by Hrvoje Niksic for emacs.

I tested several alternatives and enscript had the best result to print the source code. So, I wrote this bash script (needs bash, enscript, ps2pdf, pdfjam) a few minutes ago to collect all sources in the current directory:

usage example: ./script.sh *.h *.c

test "x$1" == "x" && echo "usage: $0 <sourcefiles>" && exit 0

for f in "$@" ; do enscript $f -o $f.ps -E -C ; done

for f in *.ps ; do echo ps2pdf $f ; ps2pdf $f && rm $f ; done

rm OUTPUT.pdf 2>/dev/null
pdfjam *.pdf && mv *pdfjam.pdf OUTPUT.pdf

echo DONE:
echo OUTPUT.pdf

WARNING: This script is a bad hack and will delete *.ps and OUTPUT.pdf in the current directory. It assumes all input files are in the current directory.





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