Access form elements
I'm creating a multiform application in c#. I'm storing the values from the user in a List in form 1 and I want to access the same stored values of the same list in form 2...I m not able to access the stored values...The error I'm getting indicates that there are no values in the list which I'm accessing from form 2...Please help me out...
public Form1()
public List<string> sub = new List<string>();
public int clickcounter = 1;
public void additems()
sub.Add("Web Technology");
sub.Add("Software Engineering");
public void show()
int x = 10;
int y = 10;
int m = sub.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
string name = "txtBox_" + (i + 1).ToString("00");
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.Name = name;
txt.Text = sub[i];
txt.ReadOnly = true;
y += 20;
txt.Location = new Point(x, y);
txt.Width = 120;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (clickcounter == 1)
Don't access the Object stored in Form1 from Form2, but pass the Object as a property to Form2.
e.G: Defining the Property:
public partial class Form2 : Form
public List<String> PersonNames { get; set; }
public Form2()
Passing the object from form1 to form2:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<String> PersonNames = new List<String>() { "Harald", "Thomas", "Markus" };
ObjektBinaerSerialisieren form2 = new ObjektBinaerSerialisieren();
form2.PersonNames = PersonNames;
Add a local List variable for your Form2, and a constructor, something like
Public List<String> locaList;
public form2( List aList )
InitializeComponent( );
localList = aList;
then just pass your List when you create your form 2.
Hope that helps.