
iphone xcode - different levels of drill down in tab bar controller - nav controller - table view

I have this type of data categories:

today news -> news item

jobs news -> news item

general news -> sub category news -> news item

So i have followed the very good tutorial 'Building an iPhone App Combining Tab Bar, Navigation and Tab' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBnPfAtswgw and all is good开发者_C百科 with the 1st two 'todays news' and 'jobs news' but can't figure out the best method for implementing the sub category table view?

Do i use the same table view but reload it with the sub categories then some how work out when one is click that it's a sub category or is there a better method?

This is how i'm set up in Main Window.Xib

- Tab Bar Controller
- -Navigation Controller (today)
- - - Table View (list of today news)
- -Navigation Controller (jobs)
- - - Table View (list of jobs news)
- -Navigation Controller (general)
- - - Table View (general sub cat) // how to implement this Table View
- - - - Table View (list of sub cat news)

Thanks for your time

You could implement it in exactly the same way as you two previous lists of news, but have the UITableViewDelegate select method push the sub category table view onto the navigation controller.





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