
Print results of a SELECT query as preformatted text in PHP?

I'm looking for an easy and quick way to print out the results of a MySQL SELECT query in PHP as preformatted text. What I would like is to be able to pass a query object to a function and get a printout of the recordset like the command line MySQL client does when running SELECT statements.

Here is an example of how I want it to look (i.e. ASCII):

| id | countryCode |
|  1 | ES          |
|  2 | AN          |
|  3 | AF          |
|  4 | AX          |
|  5 | AL          |
|  6 | DZ          |
|  7 | AS          |
|  8 | AD          |
|  9 | AO          |
| 10 | AI          |

It's basically for a generic import script, I am doing a SELECT query and want to display the results to the user for confirmatio开发者_开发知识库n.

sprintf is your friend, if you must have a non-HTML fixed width output.


//id: integer, max width 10
//code: string max width 2


$lines[]=sprintf("|%10s|%13s|",'id','countryCode'); //header

while($line=$records->fetch_assoc()) {
    //store the formatted output
    $lines[]=sprintf("| %10u | %2.2s |", $line['id'],$line['code']);
echo $table;

If you want to print out immediately instead of storing the results, use printf instead- same syntax. There is a reasonable PHP (s)printf tutorial here.

function formatResults($cols, $rows) {
    echo '<tr>';

    foreach ($cols as $v) {
        echo '<th>' . $v['field'] . '</th>';
    echo '</tr>';

    foreach ($rows as $sRow) {
        echo '<tr>';

        foreach ($sRow as $v) {
            echo "<td>$v</td>";

        echo '</tr>';

    echo '</table>';

$qry = $pdo->query('DESCRIBE table');
$cols = $qry->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$pdo->query('SELECT * FROM table');
$rows = $qry->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

formatResults($cols, $rows);

Untested but should work.

Edit: Missed ['field'] index ;)





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