
Visual Studio 2010 blurry font

I'm using Visual C# 2010 Express (final, not beta or anything) and I'm having an issue with blurry fonts while debugging. The font appears normal everywhere (intellisense, menus, code) but when a breakpoint is reached most of the debugger related text is blurry (Locals, Call Stack, "data tooltips").

Here are screenshots of 开发者_运维技巧the normal text and the blurry text while debugging: http://img682.imageshack.us/i/normalh.png/


Is this a known bug or something related to my system? Is there a way to fix it?


Like a JTeck, my VS showed blurry fonts in any scenaries. I solved this problem going to "Tools\Options". In "Environment\General" I uncheck all options in "Visual experience".

This is solve my problem. I hope that can help you too.

You might have to change the setting of "Fonts and Colors"

  1. Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors
  2. pick the item of "[Watch, Locals, and Autos Tool Windows]" from "Show setting for"
  3. Change the Font and Size to the setting as same as the setting of "Text Editor"

I was having a similar blurring issue but the code in my text editor only got blurry when I would hit the enter key, the shifting of the text somehow triggered it. I tried all the above solutions but it did not solve the problem.

The only thing that seems to have worked was changing my Font Size from 10 to 9.

As for the ClearType On/Off issue, it looks like VS 2010 forces ClearType on for Consolas (and only Consolas) regardless of your system settings.


There is a TextSharp VS extension mentioned in there that can override the ClearType setting and may help stop Consolas from blurring.

I imported my 2010 ide settings to VS2012 and didn't see the same problem oddly, so I'm guessing MS has resolved it somehow.

Actually, this appears to be not ClearType but WPF font smoothing. The difference is significant. ClearType doesn't do blurry, at least not on a standard LCD screen, it uses subpixels to anti-alias the fonts. When ClearType is disabled at the system level, WPF still renders using greyscale anti-aliasing. Try enabling ClearType.

The blurry text is a different font, and it's being rendered using ClearType. Some ClearType rendering, on some displays, with some fonts, at some point sizes looks unpleasantly blurry--that's what you've got.

You can change the font (in the Options menu) to a different face, or a larger size. It will also improve if you use a higher-resolution display.

I just opened up Visual Studio 2010 for the first time and got what i considered to be blurry font - for all scenarions, not just when debugging.

I simply switched the Font (Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors) from 'Consolas' to 'Courier New' and all was well...

I found out the issue has to do with the monitor or screen. I am using two so moved the blurry VS window to the second monitor and everything looks fine.

If this is your case too, then try to calibrate your screen by adjusting the settings.





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