
PHP Zend Debugger configuration

Hi i am new to php, I currently learning php using eclipse. I know i have to install the zend开发者_C百科 debugger my php.ini store at c:windows i had added in these line:


but on command prompt i tried php -m it shown that i never install zend debugger. I not sure where goes wrong I check phpinfo also never show any zend information.

I had lots of problems making the debugger work. Now I'm using the ZendServer CE which is free and the configuration is a lot easier.

Also I use Eclipse + PDT, downloaded from Zend Site.

This should work right out of the box. Why not using ZendServer? you get everything you want in a package.

On a browser go to: http://localhost/?phpinfo=1

look for "Loaded Configuration File" and take a note of the path

Now open a DOS prompt window (Start > Run > (type) cmd) and at the command line type c:\path\to\your\php\php.exe -r phpinfo(); |more (press CTRL+C to break)

Again look for:
"Loaded Configuration File" and take a note of this path.

It could be that you are using a different php.ini for your webserver and for the CLI version.

You will need to add the config changes to both php.ini files or put the config in a file called zend.ini and place that in the folder that is mentioned in your phpinfo output under:
"Scan this dir for additional .ini files"

I have experienced the same thing when I was using thread-safe PHP on Windows.

Up to date versions of the Zend Debugger no longer support running in thread-safe flavors of PHP on Windows. Switching to a non-thread-safe (a.k.a nts) flavor of PHP fixed this issue for me.

See here: http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=1918#p13729





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