Selenium IDE - Passing a URL string variable into a conditional 'gotoIf' statement throws a Syntax error?
I am trying to store the current url ( a variable and compare it with another string as a condition in the gotoIf command (part of the gotoIf extension.js):
storeLocation || url
gotoIf || ${url}=="" || label
When I run this seleniun ide throws this error:
[error] Unexpected Exception: message -> syntax error, fileName -> chrome://selenium-ide/content开发者_开发知识库/tools.js -> file:///C:/Users/David%20Cunningham/Desktop/extensions_js/extensions.js, lineNumber -> 183, stack -> eval("\"\"")@:0 ("\"\"","label1")@chrome://selenium-ide/content/tools.js -> file:///C:/Users/David%20Cunningham/Desktop/extensions_js/extensions.js:183 ("\"\"","label1")@chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium/scripts/htmlutils.js:60 ([object Object],[object Object])@chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium/scripts/selenium-commandhandlers.js:310 ()@chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium/scripts/selenium-executionloop.js:112 (6)@chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium/scripts/selenium-executionloop.js:78 (6)@chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium/scripts/htmlutils.js:60 , name -> SyntaxError
storeLocation should return a String so why am i getting this error, what is wrong with the syntax and how do I declare this command?
The error message shows:
You should probably change your expression to:
gotoIf || "${url}"=="" || label
So that you'll get a valid expression:
yeap.. this works fine
gotoIf || "${x}"=="${y}"
try out this one