
XNA or C# Pop-up progress bar for the LoadContent() method

We wrote a small game using Microsoft's XNA Game Studio 3.1. The LoadContent() takes a long time because, other than loading models, and config files, we're also running some one-time (per run) terrain analysis.

We are not C# or XNA programmer开发者_如何学编程s... we're Java programmers, and want to be able to give the user some feedback that the system is loading.

Preferably, this will be through a simple pop-up with a progress bar that will say something simple like "loading please wait". The progress bar doesn't have to be a 0 to 1 progress bar, it can instead be one of those 'back and forth' progress bars.

I was hoping for some quick copy-paste ready code to just do that - as it is not a central piece of our project, nor do we have a need to delve into too much documentation.

I appreciate you time, effort, and possible donation. Thanks.

If you can find or make an animated gif of your "back and forth" progress bar, you should be able to use something like the XNA Gif Animation Library (http://xnagif.codeplex.com/).





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