
jQuery UI portlets - toggle portlets to save to a cookie (half way there!)

I'm a bit of a jQuery n00b so please excuse me if this seems like a stupid question. I am creating a site using the jQuery UI more specifically the sortable portlets. I have been able store whether or not a portlet is has been open or closed to a cookie. This is done using the following code. The slider ID is currently where the controls are stored to turn each portlet on and off.

     var cookie = $.cookie("hidden");
 var hidden = cookie ? cookie.split("|").getUnique() : [];
 var cookieExpires = 7; // cookie expires in 7 days, or set this as a date object to specify a date

 // Remember content that was hidden
 $.each( hidden, function(){
  var pid = this; //parseInt(this,10);
  $('#' + pid).hide();
  $("#slider div[name='" + pid + "']").addClass('add');

 // Add Click functionality

 $("#slider div").click(function(){
  var el = $("div#" + $(this).attr('name'));

    // *** Below line just needs to select the correct 'id' and insert as selector i.e ('#slider div#block-1') and then update cookie! ***
    $('#slider div').addClass('add');

 // Update the Cookie
 function updateCookie(el){
  var indx = el.attr('id');
  var tmp = hidden.getUnique();
  if (el.is(':hidden')) {
   // add index of widget to hidden list
  } else {
   // remove element id from the list
   tmp.splice( tmp.indexOf(indx) , 1);
  hidden = tmp.getUnique();
  $.cookie("hidden", hidden.join('|'), { expires: cookieExpires } );

// Return a unique array.
Array.prototype.getUnique = function() {
 var o = new Object();
 var i, e;
 for (i = 0; e = this[i]; i++) {o[e] = 1};
 var a = new Array();
 for (e in o) {a.push (e)};
 return a;

What I would like to do is also add a [x] into the corner of each portlet to give the user another way of hiding it but I'm unable to curre开发者_JAVA技巧ntly get this to store within the Cookie using the code above.

Can anyone give me a pointer of how I would do this?

Thanks in advance!


Have you tried adding another selector to the click function?

 $("#slider div, #slider div > span.ui-icon-x").click(function(){
  var el = $("div#" + $(this).attr('name'));




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