
LIKE query for DateTime in NHibernate

For a column of type varchar I could write such search query:

public IList<Order> GetByName(string orderName)
 using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
  return session.CreateCriteria<Order>().
   Add(Restrictions.Like("Name", string.Format("%{0}%", orderName))).

How do I implement开发者_C百科 the similar search query for a column that has a DateTime type?

public IList<Order> GetByDateTime(string str)
    using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
        return session.CreateCriteria<Order>()
            .Add(Restrictions.Like(Projections.Cast(NHibernateUtil.String, Projections.Property("Created")),
                                    '%' + str + '%'))

That is, if the method is passed the date and part-time (eg "25.03.2010 19"), then displays all orders are carried out in this period of time:

25.03.2010 19:22:00

25.03.2010 19:44:00

25.03.2010 19:59:00

Just check if the date is within your desired range:

DateTime beginDate = new DateTime(2010, 3, 25, 19, 0, 0);
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2010, 3, 25, 20, 0, 0);
return session.CreateCriteria<Order>()
   .Add(Expression.Between("OrderDate", beginDate, endDate))

I had a similar problem using LINQ and fixed it with the help of the answer posted by vikram nayak on the question asked here: Nhibernate LINQ DateTime.AddDay does not work.

This is how I did it:
I substituted the following classes in vikram's example:

public class ExtendedLinqtoHqlGeneratorsRegistry : DefaultLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry
    public ExtendedLinqtoHqlGeneratorsRegistry()
        this.Merge(new DateTimeToShortDateStringGenerator());
        //I had to use the lines below instead.
        //MethodInfo method = ReflectionHelper.GetMethodDefinition<DateTime>(x => x.ToShortDateString());
        //RegisterGenerator(method, new DateTimeToShortDateStringGenerator());

public class DateTimeToShortDateStringGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod
    public DateTimeToShortDateStringGenerator()
        SupportedMethods = new[]
            ReflectionHelper.GetMethodDefinition<DateTime>(x => x.ToShortDateString())

    public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression targetObject, ReadOnlyCollection<System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> arguments, HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder, IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
        return treeBuilder.MethodCall("DateTimeToShortDateString", visitor.Visit(targetObject).AsExpression());

public class CustomDialect : MsSql2008Dialect
    public CustomDialect()
            new SQLFunctionTemplate(
            "CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), ?1, 105)"

You can then use the following syntax:

using (session.BeginTransaction())
    var patients = session.Query().Where(p => p.BirthDate.ToShortDateString().Contains("1975"));




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