if-else structure
I have these long statements that I will refer to as x,y etc. here. My conditional statements' structure goes like this:
if(x || y || z || q){
do someth
else if (y)
do something
do something
else if(q)
do something
do smthing
Is there a better, shorter way to write this thing? Thanks
I don't see a big problem with how you write it now. I do recommend using curly braces even for single statement if-blocks. This will help you avoid mistakes in case you have to add more code lines later (and might forget to add the curly braces then). I find it more readable as well. The code would look like this then:
if (x || y || z || q) {
if (x) {
do something
} else if (y) {
do something
if (z) {
do something
} else if (q) {
do something
} else {
do something
Another variant that avoids the multiple checks and the errorprone complex logical expressions might be:
boolean conditionhandled = false;
if (x) {
do something
conditionhandled = true;
} else if (y) {
do something
conditionhandled = true;
if (z) {
do something
conditionhandled = true;
} else if (q) {
do something
conditionhandled = true;
if (!conditionhandled) {
do something
This seems pretty clear to me (and clear is good).
What you can do is first evaluate x,y,z and q and store those as variables so you don't have to do that twice.
Maybe this is a little easier to read. But now you will perform one extra check. If it is not mission critical code then maybe you can use the following:
if (x)
do something;
else if (y)
do something;
if (z)
do something;
else if(q)
do something;
if !(x || y || z || q)
do something completely different.
I'm not recommending the following, in fact, I think what you got is fine, but:
s = true;
if (x) {
do something;
s = false;
} else if (y) {
do something;
s = false;
if (z) {
do something;
s = false;
} else if (q) {
do something;
s = false;
if (s) {
so something;
Can you make some assumptions about x,y,z,q? e.G. just one of them can be true. Than you could see it as a State
enum State {
void doSomething(){
void doSomething(){
void doSomething(){
void doSomething(){
void doSomething(){
and in your code where you used the if statements
you could assign a state and just do the right thing
State state = getAState();
In case you don't like enums State could be an Interface and X to Q could be implementing classes. The benefits in this case are in multiple usage of the same if else construct. Say some codelines later you would begin with
or you could just extend your enum with another function and make one single call