COM Interface Guid
I'm not much into COM interfaces, so i have a small question, say I have this code:
internal interface IEnumWorkItems {
int Next([In] uint RequestCount, [Out] out System.IntPtr Names,
[Out] out uint Fetched);
void Skip([In] uint Count);
void Reset();
void Clone([Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
out IEnumWorkItems EnumWorkItems);
How do I know that "148BD528-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503" corresponds to IEnumWorkItems :
Like if I want to know this interface's GUID : where do I find it?
I've never encountered a formal documentation - there are, however, several ways to look it up:
- Open the type lib (usually the server DLL itself) in OLE Viewer (included in visual studio tools)
- looking it up in the SDK .idl's / .h's
- write short VC++ program and use __uuidof(IInterface)
- Looking it up under HKCR\Interface (though not all interfaces need to get registered there)
In the registry, do a search for the class name in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
, you will find the GUID