
What JavaScript functions are supported by different browsers?

I want to know which sites can give me information on the list of Java开发者_Python百科Script functions that are supported by IE/Firefox/Opera/Safari.

Take a look at quirksmode

and in the Compatibility Master Table

you will get a detailed listing.

Perhaps not a direct answer to this question, but never-the-less I think this is useful to know about: You can use the Sputnik JavaScript Conformance tool in Google Labs to check ECMAScript conformance in browsers:

Sputnik is a JavaScript conformance test suite containing over 5000 tests. It tests how well a JavaScript implementation adheres to the ECMA-262 specification version 5, looking only at those features that were also present in the previous version, version 3, and not the new features added in version 5.

There are several sites for that but you'll probably find that none are absolutely complete, so it is worth checking out each of them

  • quirksmode.org compatibility tables
  • sitepoint JS reference (work in progress)
  • Mozilla MDC reference (mozilla only but worth mentioning)

This looks useful http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/





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