
No middle-click scrolling in visual studio 2010? [closed]

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Just as I started to assume this feature was ubiquitous(middle-clicking on a page, then scrolling speed/direction is relative to the distance of the pointer on the y-axis).

I can't believe this hasn't been implemented into the text editor in vs2010, I used it all the time in 2005 and 2008.

Has anyone managed to find a workaround or am I a minority user of this feature?

Here's an extension which makes it work (at least partially): http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/3b81aea8-d022-4aa6-9b8c-16ef86cc610d

Here's a better simple extension from the Visual Studio Gallery that adds middle click scrolling: AutoScroller for VS 2010

But I recommend you to take a look to the Microsoft Productivity Tools extension. It adds middle click scrolling support to the Visual Studio 2010 IDE as well as many other improvements. After you install the extension you can enable/disable its features from menu "Tools -> Options -> Productivity Power Tools".





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