
Multiple CALayer performance issue

I'm currently facing some performance issues, when using several custom layers as sublayers inside my view.

After creating my new layer programmatically, I add it as sublayer, like:

[self.view.layer addSublayer:myNewSublayer]; 

This works just fine. However, when doing this over and over my app starts to slow down more and more. I'm pretty sure this happens, because I'm constantly adding a new sublayer to my view. So, in order to solve this problem, I tried to remove everything from self.view.l开发者_StackOverflowayer before adding new sublayers, like:

[self.view.layer setContents:nil];

Unfortunately this didn't solve my problem.

My new sublayers are correctly released after being added as sublayer. I checked this in instruments and there are definitely no memory leaks. However, I do see that memory is incrementing every time I'm adding new sublayers (which is nothing that would surprise me).

I think I need to find a different way to remove all sublayers from my view's layer.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If you're continually adding sublayers to your root layer and not removing them, it's going to get slow & bloaty. You're using the wrong method to remove the sublayers:

[[self.view.layer sublayers] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperlayer)];

setContents: sets the image contents of the layer (usually via a CGImageRef).





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