
GUI for Dialog-design for WiX [closed]

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WiX is great in that there is no GUI, you just write the installer you want it to be. No fiddling with GUI-wizards!

However, drawing GUI is actually one thing I prefer to use a GUI for.

So, is there any Dialog-drawing program which exports WiX-data?

(I suppose else-wise perhaps I could transform what Visual Studio's forms editor does to WiX-XML.)


I created a full list of editors for WiX here: https://robmensching.com/blog/posts/2007/11/20/wix-editors/ (which is amazingly still up to date)

You can try WixEdit.

SharpDevelop also has built-in capabilities for laying out a WiX dialog. I prefer it over WixEdit.

this is excellent GUI IDE and it is open source.....

try this... http://community.sharpdevelop.net/blogs/mattward/archive/2006/09/17/WixIntegration.aspx

download IDE from here:


If you use Visual Studio 2008/2010 and want to install an application that requires .NET framework you might be interested in having a look at SharpSetup. It allows you to graphically edit installer UI as WinForms controls (and use VS designer for that).





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