How to get table schema from Progress database via odbc
I have a linked server set up between sql 2008 and a Progress OpenEdge 10.1b server.
How do I get the table sc开发者_运维知识库hemas?
You can get all available tables:
select * from sysprogress.SYSTABLES;
select * from sysprogress.SYSTABLES_FULL;
You can get all columns of specified table:
select * from sysprogress.SYSCOLUMNS where TBL = 'table_name';
select * from sysprogress.SYSCOLUMNS_FULL where TBL = 'table_name';
It works only with DBA privileged user.
More detail in OpenEdge Product Documentation:
Document title: SQL Reference
Chapter: OpenEdge SQL System Catalog Tables
You can do a statement like
SELECT * FROM LinkedProgressOpenedgeServer.YourDatabase.Owner.TableName WHERE 1=2
That should return just the schema without any data.
Normally the default schema name is PUB. You can try using PUB schema.