
How to specify a maven repository

I am taking over a project left by previous colleague. The project is mavenized and I'm having a hard time building it. There is a inside block, which generates error when I ran mvn install. The error shows that plugin cannot be found in maven central repo. I checked and it's not there. I happened to find another internal repository that has the plugin jar file. So outside the block, I specified a to point at that internal repo. However, when I ran mvn install again, it still goes to maven central repo to look for the plugin. How do I make it look for the jar file at the right repo? I thought by specifying the list, it would automatically check that list? Other than the repo I added, there was no repository list set up previously.

The missing plugin that I can't get it to work is like this:

       开发者_StackOverflow中文版 </plugin>

Ok, now that you've provided the relevant part of your pom, I can say that you basically have two options here: either get the sources of the plugin and install it in your local repo or get the plugin from the maven repository of the project.

Option #1

Use a subversion client and get the sources of the plugin (version 2.0-SNAPSHOT is the current version) from the svn repository, build and install the plugin in your local repository. Here using the svn command line client:

$ svn co http://gwt-maven.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin/ maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin
$ cd maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin
$ mvn install 

Note that this approach doesn't solve the portability issue (another developer would have to repeat the same steps) and I can't guarantee that you'll get exactly the same version of the code than the previous developer.

Option #2

Declare the Maven Repository of the project as a <pluginRepository> and change the version of the plugin (2.0-SNAPSHOT is not available). Something like this:


Again, I can't say anything about the changes between this version and the 2.0-SNAPSHOT the other developer was using.

Last but not least (but this might not be a top priority for you right now), this plugin has been deprecated and is replaced by the gwt-maven-plugin from Codehaus. On the long term, you should consider moving to the Codehaus plugin.

I believe that your colleague has the pluginRepository configured in his ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/settings.xml. Check if you have a company-wide repos which you need to configure in your Maven.





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