
Java DnD - Java Component to .Net Component

I'm trying to use Java drag and drop to drag an object from a JTree into a native .NET component that is embedded in my app. This .NET component only accepts File objects, so I'm having trouble with the DnD's Transferable object. Anyone know how I can make this Transferable "look" like a file to this .Net component?

p.s. I need this answer 开发者_StackOverflowas Quickly as possible. Thanks!

The way to do is to provide a DataFlavor that is compatible between Java and .net. Or, to make things more clear, your Transferable must handle a DataFlavor that your .net application sends to your java one. As an example, using the javaRemoteObjectMimeType would allow you to use a String representation of the file name that your .,net application could handle.

In fact, the only thing your Java application may provide is a list of DataFlavor. it's your .net application's job to find a DataFlavor that is suitable.





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