
Combining lists but getting unique members

I have a bit of a special requirement when combining lists. I will try to illustrate with an example. Lets say I'm working with 2 lists of GamePlayer objects. GamePlayer has a property called LastGamePlayed. A unique GamePlayer is identified through the GamePlayer.ID property. Now I'd like to combine listA and listB into one list, and if a 开发者_如何转开发given player is present in both lists I'd like to keep the value from listA.

I can't just combine the lists and use a comparer because my uniqueness is based on ID, and if my comparer checks ID I will not have control over whether it picks the element of listA or listB. I need something like:

for each player in listB
    if not listA.Contains(player) 

However, is there a more optimal way to do this instead of searching listA for each element in listB?

****EDIT****: Alternately, what if I wanted to choose which GamePlayer I keep based on the value of LastGamePlayed (instead of knowing that ListA takes precedence over ListB)? So I want a unique list of GamePlayer objects but for each player I want the GamePlayer object with the most recent LastGamePlayed? Basically I need a way to determine which object to keep when there are duplicate GamePlayers.

You should be able to use the linq enumerable extension Concat and Exept to achieve this.


This will remove items in B that match A, and them add the result to A.

You will have to write an IEqualityComparer which compares by ID.

Documentation for theses methods can be found here:

MSDN Enumerable Extensions

IEqualityComparer documentation can be found here:

MSDN IEqualityComparer

Now that this has been clarified, the question is basically this:

  • Combine all elements from list A and list B, and if there are any duplicates, keep the one with the newest LastGamePlayed.

I would do this with a grouping:

var players = from p in listA.Concat(listB)
              group p by p.ID into g
              select g.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastGamePlayed).First();

If performance is an issue, there are "faster" ways to write this, but I would start with this.

You can write an O(n log n) solution by building a set from list2 then overwriting (or inserting) items with list1, then converting that set back to a list.

If the lists are already sorted, you could do it O(n) by merging by hand.





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