String Question. How to count the number of A,a, numeric and special char
I have randomly created strings such as
What I want to do is get a count of all Caps, lower case, numeric and special characters in each string as they are generated.
I 开发者_JAVA百科am looking for an output similar to Caps = 5 Lower = 3 numneric = 6 Special = 4 Fictitious values of course. I have gone through the php string pages using count_char, substr_count etc but cant find what I am looking for.
Thank you
preg_match_all() returns the number of occurences of a match. You'll just need to fill in the regex correlates for each bit of info you want. For example:
$s = "Hello World";
preg_match_all('/[A-Z]/', $s, $match);
$total_ucase = count($match[0]);
echo "Total uppercase chars: " . $total_ucase; // Total uppercase chars: 2
You can use the ctype-functions
$s = 'H*P2[-%-3:5RW0j*;k52vedsSQ5{)ROkb]P/*DZTr*-UX4sp';
function foo($s) {
$result = array( 'digit'=>0, 'lower'=>0, 'upper'=>0, 'punct'=>0, 'others'=>0);
for($i=0; $i<strlen($s); $i++) {
// since this creates a new string consisting only of the character at position $i
// it's probably not the fastest solution there is.
$c = $s[$i];
if ( ctype_digit($c) ) {
$result['digit'] += 1;
else if ( ctype_lower($c) ) {
$result['lower'] += 1;
else if ( ctype_upper($c) ) {
$result['upper'] += 1;
else if ( ctype_punct($c) ) {
$result['punct'] += 1;
else {
$result['others'] += 1;
return $result;
array(5) {