Need help with Javascript....I think
I'm trying to bypass going through a bunch of menus, to get to the data I want directly.
Here are the links I want to go to:
Notice, if you pull that up right now, you simply see a GIF outline of the map, however there is no map data "behind" it.
However, if you go to:
- Select Geographic Type: ..... ..... Census Tract
- Select a State: Washington
- Select a County: Pierce
- Select one or more geographic areas: Census Tract 729.04
- Hit "Map It"
The map will load perfectly. Also, until you close your browser, any of the other links will work perfectly. What I want to do, is be able to bypass these 5 steps, but obviously something is preventing this. Is there a feasible workaround? I have my own domain that I would be able to upload new Javascript or HTML files or whatever is needed.
Looking at the relevant code, there's only a few functions that are needed. The "Map it" button calls the mapit function with a string literal of '/servlet/MapItDrawServlet'.
function launchMapItServlet(mapItServlet) {
context = document.form1.context.value;
lang = "en";
url = mapItServlet + "?geo_id=" + geo + "&" + "tree_id=" + tree_id + "&context=" + context + "&_lang=" + lang;
url = getAFFWindowLocation(url, true);
windowCtr++;, "identify" + windowCtr, "menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=10,left=10,width=750,height=550");
function mapItMulti(servlet) {
if (numberOfSelections(document.forms["form1"].search_results) == 0 || numberOfSelections(document.forms["form1"].search_results) > 1) {
else if (canMapItMulti(document.forms["form1"].search_results)) {
index = document.forms["form1"].search_results.selectedIndex;
geo = document.forms["form1"].search_results.options[index].value;
tree_id = document.form1["tree_id"].value;
else {
function mapit(mapItServlet) {
geo = "";
Notice the function which will be the relevant information that you will want to use, especially the 'url' variable.