Problem convert column values from VARCHAR(n) to DECIMAL
I have a SQL Server 2000 database with a column of type VARCHAR(255). All the data is either NULL, or numeric data with up to two points of precision (e.g. '11.85'). I tried to run the following T-SQL query but received the error 'Error converting data type varchar to numeric'
FROM [MyTable];
I tried a more specific cast, which also failed.
FROM [MyTable];
I also tried the following to see if any data is non-numeric, and the only values returned were NULL.
开发者_如何学运维SELECT ISNUMERIC([MyColumn]), [MyColumn]
FROM [MyTable]
WHERE ISNUMERIC([MyColumn]) = 0;
I tried to convert to other data types, such as FLOAT and MONEY, but only MONEY was successful. So I tried the following:
FROM [MyTable];
...which worked just fine. Any ideas why the original query failed? Will there be a problem if I first convert to MONEY and then to DECIMAL?
It's likely that this depends on whether the decimal symbol is a comma or a dot. Here are some test queries and their results:
select CAST('3.6' as decimal) -- 3.60
select CAST('3,6' as decimal) -- Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
select CAST('3.6' as money) -- 3.60
select CAST('3,6' as money) -- 36.00 (!)
select ISNUMERIC('3.6') -- 1
select ISNUMERIC('3,6') -- 1
The documentation for ISNUMERIC says :
ISNUMERIC returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a valid integer, floating point number, money or decimal type; otherwise it returns 0
Both 3.6
and 3,6
can be cast to money
, so that's why isnumeric('3,6')
returns 1
To resolve this issue, replace the comma's with dots (or vice versa, if your system uses comma as the decimal symbol):
select cast(replace('3,6',',','.') as decimal)
Another option is to change the "decimal symbol" in Windows. It's in Config Panel -> Regional and Language -> Formats -> Additional Settings -> Numbers.
Another cause is empty strings. For example, if you use the import wizard to import a CSV file, empty fields will become empty strings, not nulls.
This is a common idiom for fixing this:
CAST(NULLIF([number_as_a_string],'') AS decimal(13,2))
Select CAST(isnull(MyColumn,0) as Decimal(4,2)) FROM [MyTable];