How can I get specific data out of a list (with lists) under a certain condition
I have lists in lists and would like to take the activities that occur just within the first 600 seconds (journey time < 600). The "journey time" starts with 0 and adds the time of corresponding activity "code" on top.
So for example [["journey_time"]] could look like this 0, 46.7, 79.4, ...., 1800.
[["code"]] looks like StartPage, ClickItem1, ScrollItem1, ..., ClosePage.
"i" are the customers here.
I tried it for each customer alone, but I, of course, would prefer an iterative process with loops.
Thank you in advance! Appreciate it much!
This should work.
homepage1 <- list(
customer_data = list(
activity_list = list(
list(journey_time = 0, code = "StartPage"),
list(journey_time = 46.7, code = "ClickItem1"),
list(journey_time = 79.4, code = "ScrollItem1"),
list(journey_time = 1800, code = "ClosePage")
# create an empty list to store the activity codes
activity_codes <- list()
# iterate over each element in the list of lists
for (i in 1:length(homepage1[["customer_data"]][["activity_list"]])) {
# check if the journey time is less than 600
if (homepage1[["customer_data"]][["activity_list"]][[i]][["journey_time"]] < 600) {
# if it is, add the activity code to the list
activity_codes <- c(activity_codes, homepage1[["customer_data"]][["activity_list"]][[i]][["code"]])
# print the list of activity codes
Edit: Updated from python to r as mentioned by @Maël