Perl: How to get all grouped patterns
I have the following code.
Here I am matching the vowels characters words:
if ( /(a)+/ and /(e)+/ and /(i)+/ and /(o)+/ and /(u)+/ )
print "$1#$2#$3#$4#$5\n";
I am trying to get the all matched patterns using grouping, but I am getting only the last expression pattern, which means the fifth expression of the if
condition. Here I know that it is giving only 开发者_开发知识库one pattern because last pattern matching in if
condition. I want to get all matched patterns, however. Can anyone help me out of this problem?
It is not quite clear what you want to do. Here are some thoughts.
Are you trying to count the number of vowels? In which case, tr will do the job:
my $count = tr/aeiou// ;
printf("string:%-20s count:%d\n" , $_ , $count ) ;
output :
string:book count:2
string:stackoverflow count:4
Or extract the vowels
my @array = / ( [aeiou] ) /xg ;
print Dumper \@array ;
Output from "stackoverflow question"
$VAR1 = [
Or extract sequences of vowels
my @array = / ( [aeiou]+ ) /xg ;
print Dumper \@array ;
Output from "stackoverflow question"
$VAR1 = [
You could use
sub match_all {
my($s,@patterns) = @_;
my @matches = grep @$_ >= 1,
map [$s =~ /$_/g] => @patterns;
wantarray ? @matches : \@matches;
to create an array of non-empty matches.
For example:
my $string = "aaa e iiii oo uuuuu aa";
my @matches = match_all $string, map qr/$_+/ => qw/ a e i o u /;
if (@matches == 5) {
print "[", join("][", @$_), "]\n"
for @matches;
else {
my $es = @matches == 1 ? "" : "es";
print scalar(@matches), " match$es\n";
[aaa][aa] [e] [iiii] [oo] [uuuuu]
An input of, say, "aaa iiii oo uuuuu aa"
4 matches
- You have 5 patterns with one matching group () each. Not 1 pattern with 5 groups.
- (a)+ looks for a string containing a, aa, aaa, aaaa etc.
The match will be multiple a's, not the word containing the group of a-s. - Your if( ...) is true if $_ contains one or more of 'a','e','i','o','u'.