Lucene.NET and searching on multiple fields with specific values
I've created an index with various bits of data for each document I've added, ea开发者_JAVA百科ch document can differ in it field name.
Later on, when I come to search the index I need to query it with exact field/ values - for example:
FieldName1 = X AND FieldName2 = Y AND FieldName3 = Z
What's the best way of constructing the following using Lucene .NET:
- What analyser is best to use for this exact match type?
- Upon retrieving a match, I only need one specific field to be returned (which I add to each document) - should this be the only one stored?
- Later on I'll need to support keyword searching (so a field can have a list of values and I'll need to do a partial match).
The fields and values come from a Dictionary<string, string>
. It's not user input, it's constructed from code.
KieronWell, I figured it out eventually - here's my take on it (this could be completely wrong, but it works for):
public Guid? Find (Dictionary<string, string> searchTerms)
if (searchTerms == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("searchTerms");
var directory = FSDirectory.Open (new DirectoryInfo (IndexRoot));
if (!IndexReader.IndexExists (directory))
return null;
var mainQuery = new BooleanQuery ();
foreach (var pair in searchTerms)
var parser = new QueryParser (
Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, pair.Key, GetAnalyzer ());
var query = parser.Parse (pair.Value);
mainQuery.Add (query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
var searcher = new IndexSearcher (directory, true);
var results = searcher.Search (mainQuery, (Filter)null, 10);
if (results.totalHits != 1)
return null;
return Guid.Parse (searcher.Doc (results.scoreDocs[0].doc).Get (ContentIdKey));
if (searcher != null)
searcher.Close ();