a bugging query
i need to get a query where the elements are displayed in case the first letter is E (the word is electronics).. i have tried with the following :
mysql_query("select * from nested_category where name 开发者_开发技巧like '[A-F]%'");
Edit : its like i need to choose all the elements for which the first element lie between A & F .. I need all the element such as Elements, Capacitors, Elephant, Accelerators and definitely not Resistors.. I am using this query with PHP...
WTF has A-F got to do with E?
SELECT * FROM nested_category WHERE name LIKE 'E%'
In response to your edit:
Use the REGEXP function:
SELECT * FROMnested_category WHERE name REGEXP '^[A-E]'
And even still, you now say you want A-E, but your code says A-F? I'm really confused by your question...
The only way to continue using the mySql LIKE syntax is this:
mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM nested_category
(name LIKE 'A%'
OR name LIKE 'B%'
OR name LIKE 'C%'
OR name LIKE 'D%'
OR name LIKE 'E%')");