
Any other ways to install Heroku except gem install

gem install heroku failed with following message and I have tried the solution here, but it failed also. Is there any other way I can install Heroku?

WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for: http://gems.rubyforge.org/

RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degra开发者_StackOverflowding performance.   
ERROR: could not find gem heroku locally or in a repository.

Heroku now offers a standalone client, called the Heroku Toolbelt. Check out https://toolbelt.heroku.com/ for current installation instructions.

you should be able to bypass the problem by downloading the heroku gem from rubygems.org and install from the local copy.

  1. go to http://rubygems.org/gems/heroku and click the download link to download version 1.8.5
  2. then move into the download folder and do a gem install --local heroku-1.8.5.gem ,but follow the instruction to install the dependency first

Updating the gem to version 1.3.6 seem solve the problem.

However, gem update --system does not work on Ubuntu platforms, and apt-get install rubygems1.8 always bring you to version 1.2.0.

Here is the trick to update your gems to latest one,1.3.6, by the time of writing:

sudo gem install rubygems-update
sudo update_rubygems

And the credit goes here.

Finally, by all means avoid installing the gems manually, my experience taught me.

Seems like your Rubygems version is not up to date. Try sudo gem update --system and/or sudo gem install rubygems-update; sudo update_rubygems before trying to install the heroku gem.

Alternately, if you're running Debian and cannot use gem update --system, try installing a version of rubygems that is >1.2 from backports. I used aptitude -t lenny-backports install rubygems and then rubygems could actually access the online repository.

To install Heroku in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu open the terminal and type:

sudo snap install --classic heroku  

This installs the heroku snap package successfully, and it is the recommended way of installing Heroku CLI in Ubuntu at the Heroku Dev Center website. When this was posted sudo snap install --classic heroku installs the latest version of Heroku.





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