String splitting produces different results than expected
it returns not what i expected. i expected something like:
cab abwhat am i doing wrong?
don't do .ToCharArray()
it will split \r then \n
that why you have empty value
something like this should work
var aa = ("a" & Environment.NewLine & "b" & Environment.NewLine & "c").Split(New String[] {Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Since you are splitting on "\r" and "n", String.Split
extracts the empty string from "\r\n".
Take a look at StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries
or use new String[] { "\r\n" }
instead of "\r\n".ToCharArray()
You just splitting the string using \r
or \n
as delimiters, not the \r\n
Environment.NewLine is probably the way to go but if not this works
var ab = "a\r\nb\r\nc";
var abs = ab.Split(new[]{"\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.None);
This option also works, string [] b = Regex.Split(abc, "\r\n");
My understanding is that the string char sequence you provide to the Split method is a list of delimiter characters, not a single delimiter madeof several characters.
In your case, Split consider the '\r' and '\n' characters as delimiters. So when it encounters the '\r\n' sequence, it returns the string between those 2 delimiters, an empty string.