
Facebook Connect - Mobile

I am currently in the process of creating a mobile version of my web app. The app is being developed with Facebook's PHP Client Library.

The issue:

I am using the following mobile url to allow users to log in using the mobile devices: http://m.facebook.com/tos.php?api_key=APIKEY&v=1.0&next=http%3A%2F%2Ftweelay.net%2Fm.php&cancel=http%3A%2F%2Ftweelay.net%2Fm.php

APIKEY being my app's actual Facebook API key.

In the url I am telling Facebook to redirect the user back to http://tweelay.net/m.php when the user signs in or clicks cancel on the log in screen. I am pulling my hair try开发者_C百科ing to figure out why it keeps sending the user to http://m.tweelay.net/m.php which is currently an invalid end point.

I have gone through all of my app's settings on Facebook and I cant find any that reference http://m.tweelay.net and going through all of my source code I cant find any that reference the m. sub-domain either.

Any ideas? Is there a setting I'm missing? Maybe a Flag in the library?

I've seen Facebook do this when detecting the mobile browser type and also sometimes randomly through Firefox (it can also happen when trying to get to facebook.com). I've managed to reset it sometimes, but it's not a guaranteed fix.

If you want to be sure the user makes it to your correct site I suggest creating the subdomain and redirecting traffic to your usual site, it's what I did and now I don't worry about it reverting back.





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