MASM StrCmp Undefined?
If I try to assemble the following code, I get a A2006 error ( error A2006: undefined symbol : StrCmp).
Here's my code:
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\stdlib.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
YvanSoftware db "(c) YvanSoftware - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED", 13 ,10 ,0
EnterYourName db "Please enter your name: ", 0
CRLF db 13,10,0
TheHolyMan db "Yvan", 0
Seriously db "Seriously? You're the MAN!", 13,10,0
LoserName db "What a loser name.", 13,10
buffer db 100 dup(?)
invoke StdOut,addr YvanSoftware
invoke StdOut, addr EnterYourName
invoke StdIn, addr buffer, 100
invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
invoke StrCmp,addr buffer, addr TheHolyMan ;error fires here
je HolyMan
invoke StdOut, addr LoserName
jmp EndIfHolyMan
invoke StdOut, addr Seriously
jmp EndIfHolyMan
invoke ExitProcess,0
END start
I'm a complete n00b at assembler, and I'm trying to learn it. ;)
You do not mention any error on the invoke StdOut, so I assume this one assembles. In this case, the error should be exactly what it says: StrCmp is not recognized in the include files you listed. So just make sure one of your includes actually defines StrCmp (and since I don't remember what mode MASM defaults to, respect case sensitivy to be on the safe side).
Since You are using stdcall, your invoke will gen an external reference to something like _StrCmp@8 (@8 because there are two parms, each being 4 bytes). So you will also need to have this decorated name present in one of the includelib libs. This is not the problem you are seeing though, as this error is a masm one rather than a linker one.