
Reading gml in c#

I have a problem with reading some gml files in c#. My files do not have schema or namespaces and looks like file from this question:

Parsing GML data using C# Linq to XML

only whitout the schema like this:

<gml:Polygon srsName='http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4283'>

When I try to read the document with XDocument.Load method i get an exception saying: 'gml' namespace is not defined.

I have a lot of gml files so I do not want to add the schema and namespaces to all my files. Does anybody know how to read my files?

Use an XmlTextReader with a XmlNamespaceManager. See an example on MSDN here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlnamespacemanager.xmlnamespacemanager.aspx

Unless you declare the namespace associated with the "gml" prefix your text is not valid Xml + Namespaces.

You could implement a pre-process step that did something like (pseudo code):

string text = ReadFromFile();
text = text.replace(" srsName=", " xmlns:gml=");

You could add your namespace and type programatically.

Load your file into a string using File.ReadAllText(filename), append the neccesary type and namespace information and parse it using XDocument.Parse instead of Load.





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