
PHP: Using browscap.ini on shared host. - ini_set() failing

I'm trying to use get_browser() , unfortunately my page is on a shared host, and I have no access to php.ini.

I have downloaded the latest version of browscap.ini and placed in my document root. I have then added the following:-

if (!ini_set('browscap', '/home/private stuff/browscap.ini')) {

echo "Failed to set browscap";

} else {

echo "browscap = [" . ini_get('browscap') . "]";



But this fails, (nb: the echo statement for the failed condition always shows [] - even if I didn;t have the browscap.ini file the setting should still 开发者_运维百科show up in the ini_get.... shouldn't it?)

I have looked at the previous questions on this and they don't seem to help, any ideas?

I hadn't heard of this feature before, but in Googling around I came across phpbrowscap (previously at a this Google Code repo( which is a standalone class that you should be able to use in your hosted environment. The author supports many configuration files and the QuickStart (previously here) looks especially easy.

As per the PHP manual, 'browscap' is changeable only in the system php.ini and/or httpd.conf. You cannot set it at the script level.





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