
How to find/extract data from xml with jQuery

I'm trying to extract the StateLongName and StateShortName values from the xml below.

I know there has to be a simple elegant way to do this with jQuery.


...elments removed for brevity


Here's what I've tried.

Load the xml from above into a Javascript variable name xml.

Try #1

  var stateName = $(this).find("StateLongName").innerText;
  var stateCode = $(this).find("StateShortName").innerText;

Try #1 doesn't find anything and never goes inside to load the stateName and stateCode variables.

Try #2

  var stateName = $(this).find("StateLongName").innerText;
  var stateCode = $(this).find("StateShortName").innerText;

Try #2 does find matches, however the stateName and stateCode are left undefined.

Try #3

  var stateName = $($(xml).find('StateLongName').parent()[0].innerHTML)[1].data;
  var stateCode = $($(xml).find('StateLongName').parent()[0].innerHTML)[5].data;

Try #3 works but there has to be a better way. Please enlighten me.

Thanks for you time!

It's case sensitive, use "Table" like this:

$(xml).find("Table").each(function() {
  var stateName = $(this).find("StateLongName").text();
  var stateCode = $(this).find("StateShortName").text();

Update: Sorry this one was a bit baffling, don't use <table>, it treats it as html creating a <tbody> and things get stranger from there:) If you changed it to just abut anything else, it'll work, here's an example with it changed to <tabl>: http://jsfiddle.net/Yvetc/

Here's a full bare test page:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var xml="<NewDataSet><Tabl><stateLongName>Alabama</stateLongName><stateShortName>AL</StateShortName></Tabl><Tabl><StateLongName>Alaska</StateLongName><StateShortName>AK</StateShortName></Tabl></NewDataSet>";
    $(xml).find("Tabl").each(function() {
      var stateName = $(this).find("StateLongName").text();
      var stateCode = $(this).find("StateShortName").text();
      alert("State: " + stateName + " Code: " + stateCode);

             type: "GET",
             url: "labels.xml",
             dataType: "xml",
             success: function(xml) {
                     var id_text = $(this).attr('id')
                     var name_text = $(this).find('name').text()

                         .html(name_text + ' (' + id_text + ')')
                         .appendTo('#update-target ol');
                 }); //close each(
         }); //close $.ajax(

sample xml for this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

   <label id='ep' added="2003-06-10">
     <name>Ezra Pound</name>
       <street>45 Usura Place</street>
   <label id='tse' added="2003-06-20">
     <name>Thomas Eliot</name>
       <street>3 Prufrock Lane</street>
   <label id="lh" added="2004-11-01">
     <name>Langston Hughes</name>
       <street>10 Bridge Tunnel</street>
   <label id="co" added="2004-11-15">
     <name>Christopher Okigbo</name>
       <street>7 Heaven's Gate</street>




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