
Using Marshal.Copy correctly

I have a working wrapper class for Dallmeier camera devices, It contains a callback method to receive the current YUV image.

See details C# wrapper for array of three pointers.

I have a button on my form that gets the YUV Image. The callback returns 'yuvData' which is an array of three pointers to Y, U, and V part of image. I then copy the three pointers into thier own pointer and then copy them into a byte array. The yuvCallback continues to run until I disconnect the camera.

Am I using Marshal.Copy correctly?

public class DLMSDK
    public delegate int YUVDataCallback(dlm_yuvdataParametersStructure pParameters);

        public extern static int dlm_setYUVDataCallback(int SessionHandle, YUVDataCallback dataCallback);

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 32)]
        public struct dlm_yuvdataParametersStructure
            public int IPlayerID;
            [FieldOffset(4), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=3)]
            public IntPtr[] yuvData;
            [FieldOffset(8), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=1)]
            public IntPtr[] pitch;
            public int width;
            public int height;
            public long ts;
            [FieldOffset(28), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1)]
            public IntPtr[] extData;

public partical class Form1 : Form
    int width; int height; 
    int yArraySize; int uvArraySize;
    byte[] yBytes; byte[] uBytes; byte[] vBytes;
    int sizeY; int sizeU; int sizeV;
    IntPtr ptrY; IntPtr ptrU; IntPtr ptrV;

    DLMSDK.YuvDataCallback yuvdataCallback;

    private void Form1_Load(object send, EventArgs e)
        error = DLMSDK.dlm_initSDK();
        if (error == 0)

    private void registerEV开发者_开发技巧ents()
        yuvdataCallback = yuvdataHandler;

    private void btnGetYUV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                error = DLMSDK.dlm_setYUVDataCallback(SessionHandle, yuvdataCallback);      
        catch (Exception ex)

    public int yuvdataHandler(DLMSDK.dlm_yuvdataParametersStructure pParameters)
        width = pParameters.width;
        height = pParameters.height;
        yArraySize = width * height;
        uvArraySize = yArraySize/4;

        yBytes = new byte[yArraySize];
        uBytes = new byte[uvArraySize];
        vBytes = new byte[uvArraySize];

        sizeY = Marshal.SizeOf(yBytes[0]) * yBytes.Length;
        ptrY = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeY);

        sizeU = Marshal.SizeOf(uBytes[0]) * uBytes.Length;
        ptrU = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeU);

        sizeV = Marshal.SizeOf(vBytes[0]) * vBytes.Length;
        ptrV = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeV);

            // Copy the three pointers to Y,U, & V pointers
            Marshal.Copy(pParameters.yuvData, 0, ptrY, 1);
            Marshal.Copy(pParameters.yuvData, 1, ptrU, 1);
            Marshal.Copy(pParameters.yuvData, 2, ptrV, 1);

            // Copy pointers to YUV byte arrays
            Marshal.Copy(ptrY, yBytes, 0, sizeY);
            Marshal.Copy(ptrU, uBytes, 0, sizeU);
            Marshal.Copy(ptrV, vBytes, 0, sizeV);

            // Convert Y (Luminance) to Greyscale and display
            Bitmap bmp = ImgConvert.ToGreyscale(yBytes, width, height);
            if (ptrY != IntPtr.Zero)
                ptrY = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (ptrU != IntPtr.Zero)
                ptrU = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (ptrV != IntPtr.Zero)
                ptrV = IntPtr.Zero;

        return 0;

I see you posted a similar question over at the MSDN forums: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/clr/thread/67d20c16-d58b-444d-9689-88fab2792ab1

As I wrote over there, it's not correct to pack the callback delegate's parameters into a structure and pass it by value. So the first step is to correct the delegate signature.





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