
Statistics regarding MonoTouch usage?

Just wondered how many application are written with MonoT开发者_如何学运维ouch and published in App Store?

Is MonoTouch ready to be used in production?

What other statistics do you know regarding this tool?

As Chrisntr pointed above, yes, there are a lot of apps already in the appstore, and http://monotouch.info is your place to find them.

Regarding being ready for production, though, I would expand on that a little bit: yes, MonoTouch is ready to create applications that can be deployed with success in the appstore, and can create applications that are just as pretty and fast as obj-c ones.

But developer experience is still not quite there. It's close to being great, but there are things here and there that cause a lot of pain. For example, its not uncommon to have your app all of a sudden crash during startup and require a kill from the command line, or even a reboot of the computer to get it going again. From my experience, this will probably happen at least a couple of times a day. Also, MonoDevelop is simply not as good as eclipse or Visual Studio - too many bugs, not enough functionality, unfortunately.

On the other side, the Novell guys are really really great: they stay around on IRC for most of the day, and help with any bugs right away, most of the times creating patches for you in a matter of minutes. I haven't had this level of support from any other vendor before.

Update 4/6/2010: Well, I just updated to the new version 2 of MonoTouch and MonoDevelop, and things actually improved quite a lot. The crashing seems to be gone (although it did happen one time today, but I didn't need to reboot), and many other bugs I had found were also fixed. The Novell guys keep doing a great job updating everything, and this update definitely made things a lot better.

There are a list of applications using MonoTouch on the App Store here - http://monotouch.info/MonoTouch/Apps

This doesn't mean that there isn't many more - especially those that are ad-hoc distributed will not show up on the App Store.

In terms of it being production ready then it sure is.

In this video (around 0:20:30) is said that 500 applications in App Store are built with mono (however this can include apps build also with Unity stuff, not just MonoTouch).

Here is a list which includes "full releases" so it should be production ready.





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